Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Bunnies!

Two of the bunnies: Porkchop and Lulu Belle attended the Petsmart Halloween celebration. Both bunnies were a hit in their costumes! Porkchop as a winged angel and Lulu Belle as a ballerina. Of course I didn't think to bring my camera, so we will have to settle for a picture of Belle dressed as a ladybug from last year. =)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


All the buns went home to Pennsylvania for a visit. Two lucky bunnies got to play outside in the leaves. Pumpkin blends in beautifully with the fall foliage, while Russelton sulks under a bush.

Bonding sessions are continuing with Lulu Belle and Porkchop, they love one another in the car but not so much once they are home.